Social Development

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Social development is about improving the well-being of every individual in society so they can reach their full potential. The success of society is linked to the well-being of each and every citizen. Social development means investing in people.
Social development activities is planned to implement such as Women & Child Development, Health & Sanitation, Climate Change & Environment, PWD, Science & Technology, Education, Skill Development & Enhancement and EDP & MSME for charity or at concessional rate subject to approval/recognition from appropriate authorities/government.

NASD is a National level association established under Section 8 Company for development of the society through associating social work organisations, corporates, corporations and individuals through various welfare schemes under the State Government, Central Government and CSR under corporate, PSUs and individuals.

Activities involved in the Social Development:

 To identify the projects related to state and national development activities such as Skill development, entrepreneurship development, Science and technology, Health and sanitation, Women and children development etc.,