Soft skills

Soft skills are character traits and interpersonal skills that characterize a person ‘s relationship with others both in work place and social relationship

IT Skills

Information Technology are ability, knowledge and talents related to the use for Administration, Development and Management Information System for decision making.

Domain Skills

Domain Skills are skills and abilities which are unique to a particular sector or industry to get a job or Self-employment.

Communication Skills

Communication Skills are the abilities where giving and receiving different kind of implementation with understanding

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Job Vacancies
Placement support offers career assistance and guides students in finding suitable employment opportunities, and prepares them for job interviews. We will update the job offers to find the prospective employment for the benefits of the students
Education Loan
Education loans are intended to cover the cost of tuition, books, Quality training, internal assessment, third part assessment, Certification and other supplies, all are in the process of pursuing a Certificate, Diploma and Advance Diploma
Entrepreneurship Loan
An Entrepreneur Loan is a personal loan granted to an entrepreneur. The Government of India has provided an online provision for businesses to register for business loans — including Mudra loans, Stand up India loans, SIDBI loans, and others — via Udyami Mitra, which is an initiative to provide businesses a way to avail of credit as well as provide materials to file a loan application
Abous-us ..
Social DEvelopmet 6
Social Development 5